Mass removal of photo tags in FB

coding facebook javascript userscript

After using Facebook for a while, you would realized that you have a huge load of tagged photos. And it is not always a pleasant experience scrolling through all of them. You could make them harder to find by removing all your tags, but it problem is, Facebook doesn’t allow you to easily remove the tags. Solution: you write a script to do it.

After a morning of fiddling around with the interface, this script was created to remove all your tags from the photos. This is a userscript, or geasemonkey script (either way, it means the same thing). You do need some kind of extension for your browser TamperMonkey for Chrome or GreaseMonkey for Firefox, you can use it for other browsers too, but you will need to find your own extension.

Installing the greasemonkey extension can greatly enhance your browsing experience as well, visit to download more amazing scripts.

DO NOTE THAT IT IS IRREVERSIBLE, which means that if you want all the tags back, you gotta tag your own photos one by one.

  • Install the user script
  • Open up this page:<username>?v=photos&ref=bookmark
  • In Chrome(other broswer works too): open up the javascript console
  • Run the program in the comment block below (Link Generation), all of it
  • Sit back and relax, if you got quite abit of photos, you gotta wait for quite a long time

EDIT: I made some update to the code for the second version to make it much simple to use for larger quantity of photographs.