CodeJam 2019 1C

coding codejam cpp algo

I haven’t been working on these problem for a really long time, therefore, it took be quite some time to hammer out some of the bugs I had.

Problem A: Robot Rock Paper Scissors

This was a rather easy problem, but I made some wrong assumption that the start, which caused me quite a lot of headache to debug.

But the general idea is as such

  • for the first move, look at all the first moves of all the other robots.
  • if all 3 moves exist, it is impossible to have a sure winning move.
  • in other cases, it is always possible to eliminate some of the other robots.
  • repeat the same steps for the other robots still alive. looping the entries if needed.
  • end when all the other robots are dead.

Solution in CPP:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define let const auto
#define REP(var, i) for (int var = 0; var < i; ++var)
using namespace std;
using Int = int;
//using Int = long long;
using vi = vector<Int>;
using vvi = vector< vector<Int> >;

#define O_R 4
#define O_P 2
#define O_S 1 
#define N 5 

void solve() { 
    int A; cin >> A; 
    vector<string> seq; string s;
    char *mask = (char*) calloc(N, sizeof(char));

    REP(i, A){ 
        cin >> s; seq.push_back(s);

    char *ans = (char*) calloc(501, sizeof(char));
    char *dead = (char*) calloc(A, sizeof(char));

    char c, m; char impossible = 0;
    for (int p=0; p<500; p++) {
        c = 0;

        REP(i, A){
            if (!dead[i]) {
                s = seq[i];
                m = seq[i][p%s.size()];

                if (m == 'R') c |= O_R;
                if (m == 'P') c |= O_P;
                if (m == 'S') c |= O_S;

        if (c == 7) {
            impossible = 1; break;

        if (c == O_R) { ans[p] = 'P'; break; }
        if (c == O_P) { ans[p] = 'S'; break; }
        if (c == O_S) { ans[p] = 'R'; break; }

        c = c^7;
        if (c == O_R) ans[p] = 'S';
        if (c == O_P) ans[p] = 'R';
        if (c == O_S) ans[p] = 'P';

        REP(i, A){
            if (!dead[i]) {
                s = seq[i]; 
                if (ans[p] != seq[i][p%s.size()]) dead[i] = 1;

    if (impossible) printf("IMPOSSIBLE");
    else printf("%s", ans);

int main() {
    int T; cin >> T;
    REP(t, T) {
        printf("Case #%d: ", t+1);

Problem B: Power Arrangers, finding missing permutation

This is a really cool problem. I wrote out quite a bit to finally see the pattern. And once you realize the pattern, it is a rather easy problem to tackle.

The solution can be briefly explained as so:

  • If you list down all the first characters of each different set, we will have 24 counts of each letter (120/5 = 24), except for one, this will give us the 1st letter of the missing set
  • Doing the same for the second character, we should have (24/4 = 6) counts of each letter
  • Then the third and forth character. And by elimination, we get the last character.
  • This will take us a total of (120-1) + (24-1) + (6-1) + (2-1) <= 150 moves
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define let const auto
#define REP(var, i) for (int var = 0; var < i; ++var)
using namespace std;
using Int = int;
//using Int = long long;
using vi = vector<Int>;
using vvi = vector< vector<Int> >;

void solve() {
    char *out = (char*) calloc(119, sizeof(char));
    vector<vector<int>> heros;

    REP(i, 5){
    char left = 0;
    char ans[6] = {'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 0}; 
    char used[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    int counts[4] = {24, 6, 2, 1};

    char c; 
    int n; vector<int> outed;

    int i, p;
    for(p=0; p<4; p++){
        for(i=0; i<119; i++){
            if (out[i]==p) {
                cout << i*5 + p+1 << endl; 
                cin >> c; 

        for(i=0; i<5; i++){
            if(!used[i] && heros[i].size()<counts[p]){
                used[i] = 1;
                ans[p] += i; 
                left += i;

                outed = heros[i];
                n = outed.size();

                REP(ii, n){
                    out[outed[ii]] += 1; 

        for(i=0; i<5; i++){


    ans[4] += 10-left;
    cout << ans << endl; 
    cin >> c;

int main() {
    int T, F; cin >> T >> F;

    REP(t, T) {